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  • Pumpkin, curry, gorgonzola flan by Sarah Tatouille

Pumpkin, curry, gorgonzola flan by Sarah Tatouille


* 300g of pumpkin

* 100g of gorgonzola

* 2 pinches of curry

* 3 whole eggs + 3 yellow

* 15cl of liquid cream


Preheat your oven to 180 ° with a large dish half filled with water.

Cook the pumpkin cube in a saucepan with salt water.

Drain them and crush them with the mashed press.

Dry this mashed potatoes for a few minutes in your saucepan over medium heat.

Whip whole eggs, yolks with cream briskly, add pepper and curry.

Add progressivemnet the pumpkin puree to get a smooth texture. Use an electric whisk.

Season to your liking and add the gorgonzola cubes.

Fill your ramekins and bake for 25 minutes.

Serve warm.