Category Archives: EVENTS

  1. Anniversary Tales


    For the 250th anniversary of REVOL, celebrated on 22 June 2018, we called on a child of the firm and the person who embodies the company today, Olivier PASSOT, the President and C.E.O.

    “Birthday parties are generally a chance to tell the story of the person whose birthday it is. You look back over their lives, evoking important events, including a few funny or spicy stories… But what do you do when it’s a 250th birthday?

  2. The Tree

    The place where live forces and complementary talents collide, all firms maintain a fragile balancing act. The longevity of Revol may be exceptional but it’s the result not of a miracle but of continual building work – that of passionate daily commitment and productivity on the solid foundations of shared memories. The result is an extraordinary firm. To celebrate its 250th birthday, Revol asked artist Mathias Souverbie to express this experience through means of an eloquent sculpture.

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  3. A Striking Identity: Our Birthday Logo

    Two hundred and fifty years. The firm’s longevity is just as impressive as its high levels of expertise. The standards that Revol has guaranteed right from the start are only equalled by the modesty of its workers. This is the history, led by passionate artisans and punctuated by creative encounters, that we are celebrating this year.

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